CFE Requirements

The total of Categories A and B must equal sixteen (16) hours with, at least, six (6) of Category A of which one must be in Ethics. (The Board reserves the right to audit any CFE Certifications.)

Category A: Minimum Number of Hours - Six (6)

Description: Professionally organized course-work, Seminars, short courses, workshops, and technical sessions which may enhance a forester's professional development.

Note: Prior approval is needed if not published.

Sessions which qualify for Category A:

  • Any session qualifying for category one of the Society of American Foresters Continuing Education program.
  • Programs with forestry content presented at a meetings of forestry organizations such as the Mississippi Forestry Association (MFA), county forestry associations, Society of American Foresters (SAF), Association of Consulting Foresters (ACF), etc. (Attending business meetings, qualify for Category B)
  • Forestry training sessions presented by employers. (Routine business meetings, first aid, CPR, driver education, etc. are not included in Category A)
  • Required: One (1) hour credit is required every renewal period in Ethics. (1999)
  • Forestry courses taught by forestry extension and forestry colleges or universities.
  • Video and correspondent classes may be accepted for credit if both of these requirements are met: (1) An examination is given and recorded and (2) Participant receives a certificate of completion. (8-2002)

Credit Hours: One hour for each contact hour of course-work, three hours for tour or field sessions equal one contact hour.

Limitation: Minimum number of hours is six, no maximum number of hours.

Category B

Description: Participation in forestry-related meetings or committees, holding elected or appointed office in forestry organizations. Preparing and publishing forestry publications or other job enhancing activities.

Credit Hours:

  • 5 hours/year - Holding an Office or Committee Chairmanship
  • 2 hours/year - Active Committee Member
  • 5 hours - Preparing a Newspaper or Magazine Article
  • 1 hour/contact hour - Forestry Educational Presentation
  • 1 hour/hour of study - Self-improvement study (technical forestry subject)

Limitations: No minimum or maximum; but total of Categories A and B must equal sixteen hours with, at least, six hours of Category A. (The Board reserves the right to audit any CFE Certifications.)

The Board reserves the option to disapprove any session it finds unacceptable. Therefore, it is recommended that if in doubt to contract the CFE Review Committee for prior approval.

Requests should be mailed to:

CFE Review Committee
Mississippi Board of Registration for Foresters
P O Box 1884
Jackson, MS 39215-1884

Requirements for Prior Approval:

The registrant should send in as much detail as possible on the questionable course. (Agenda with topic, times with breaks, instructors, contact people and telephone numbers, etc.) Two to three weeks should be allowed for a reply.

Exemptions from Continuing Education only, renewal form and fee are required for renewal.  

  • Anyone 65 years or older
  • Full-time college students
  • Those in active duty in the military
  • Those licensed as a Registered Forester since last renewal period. New registrations only.
  • Anyone approved by the Board with regard to sickness or hardship

Expired Licenses:

Any license not renewed before the expiration date of December 31, shall be invalid and the person practicing forestry with an invalid license shall be in violation of the Forester’s Registration Law of 1977. After March 31 following the expiration date, any delinquent license shall be revoked for non-renewal and will require Board approval for renewal. A person with a revoked license after two renewal periods will be required to reapply as a new applicant, pay application fee and pass an examination.

Upon approval of the renewal application by the Board, the licensee will be sent a current identification card, or you can print one yourself under FORMS, click wallet card.

Site Last Updated:

January, 2025